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Year End Projections

Getting Ready for Your Year-End Projection:


Here is the information you will need:


Ask yourself every year why we do a projection. Here is a video explaining why: Why we do a Year End Projection.


STEP ONE: Fill out your Year End Projection Checklists. If you have questions, here is a video of how to fill out the Checklist

STEP. TWO: Sign your Engagement Letter

STEP THREE: If using our Corporation Income and Expenses Worksheet 

STEP FOUR: Send us your Checklist, Engagement Letter and Income/Expenses no later than December 8th to OR our PORTAL

STEP FIVE: If you would like an appointment email, to set up an appointment



List of Attachments for Year End Projections

1. Checklist

2. Engagement Letter

3. Rate Sheet

4. Expense Worksheet